Thursday, 26 November 2009



Title : MONK!
Author : Hong Dong-gi
Artist : Hong Dong-gi

Funny school adventure of a monk with a secret mission from Tibet!
Even the oracle, that locates Dalai Lama's reincarnation, would not foresee that the troublemaker Dang is taking the mission to find it. However, Dang's power is yet hidden; his fatal nature explodes chi by sexual impulse and turns him into a monster! Not knowing this, Dang enters Mouhyuk High; following the oracle. But his class is a special class called "Trash", filled with a bunch of weirdoes, and his biggest enemy, the "Coke Bottle" woman! Can he complete his mission?

Download Monk! Manga
Monk! Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - 10,8 Mb
Monk! Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - 7,5 Mb
Monk! Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - 6,7 Mb
Monk! Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - 6,9 Mb
Monk! Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - 6,8 Mb
Monk! Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - 6,2 Mb
Monk! Vol. 1 Extra Chapter - 7,9 Mb
Monk! Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - 4,5 Mb
Monk! Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - 4,4 Mb
Monk! Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - 6,8 Mb
Monk! Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - 6,6 Mb

To support the publisher, please purchase Monk! Manga when available in your area

1 comment:

dhuta said...

saya udah dapet pemecahannya
yaitu dengan membuat file .htaccess yang isinya "php_flag register_globals on" folder utama smuo
semoga bermanfaat

mas, yg di atas itu komen anda di slh satu blog. sy mo nanya nih, bikin file.htaccess itu mksudny gmn?apa bikin file di notepad yg isiny "php_flag register_globals on" trz dikasih nama file.htaccess ato gmn?trz file td dimasukkan ke dlm folder utama smuo y?folder utama smuo tu yg mana mas?satu lg, penulisan yg bnr tu file .htaccess (ada spasi sblm tanda titik) ato file.htaccess (tnpa spasi sblum tanda titik).
maaf ngerepotin, mklum, newbie bgt ;)
tlg blz ke email sy y maz,
mksih bnyk sblumny