Friday, 9 January 2009

Family Compo Manga

Series Info

Title: Family Compo
Alternate Title: F.Compo
Author: Hojo Tsukasa
Artist: Hojo Tsukasa


I really like this manga, it's gender bender manga, where the uncle of the main character should be his aunt and his aunt should be his uncle. Even, the daughter gender of this strange family is unknow.

Here the summary :
Just before entering university, Yanagiba Masahiko's father died in a car accident. His mother died when he was four, which makes him now really an orphan. But even before the death of his father he didn't have a family life, his father being busy or abroad.

When his mother's younger brother and his wife decide to invite him to live with their family, his life takes a turn. But it is not going to be the normal family life he is imagining himself. What is the "terrible" secret that lead his parents to break the bonds with his aunt and uncle? What could be the true nature of his cousin, Shion? And last but not least, will this "terrible" secret eventually get Yanagiba too?

Download Family Compo Manga
Chapter 1 - 3,6 M
Chapter 2 - 2,5 M
Chapter 3 & 4 - 4,8 M updated 0n 09 Mar 09

To support the publisher, please purchase Family Compo Manga when available in your area...

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